Submission Guidelines:

Journal of Industrial Technology 





Manuscripts submitted to JITR must follow the guidelines below.



Except for the manuscript of a research article, however, the types of manuscripts such as case reports, review articles, and editorials should follow the guidelines by the editorial board. 





1.Eligibility : Only members of the KITCS(Korea Industrial Technology Convergence Society) are eligible for submission: the first author and corresponding authors must be a member of the KITCS.






2.Manuscript content : Submitted manuscripts must be unpublished by other journals and follow the guidelines.






3. Date of receipt : JITR is published quarterly. The manuscript of an urgent paper is always acceptable, the date of receipt is regarded as the arrival date in KITCS.






4. Submission procedure : The receipt submission forms(논문접수카드 및 게재권한위임 및 연구윤리준수 인정) must be sent to the manuscript submission system with the following documents: one original copy with the author’s name(s) in Korean and English written, one KCI similarity check report and one author statement. After then, deposit 150,000 KRW for review fee into the bank account below . (For an urgent paper, the review fee is 255,000 KRW)





1) KCI similarity check : When checking KCI similarity, include the quotations and citations and exclude the index and reference. Moreover, if more than 4 words match consecutively, it is treated as a suspicious area, and the similarity rate must be less than 20%.



2) Author statement : Any author changes are prohibited during manuscript review. Moreover, one copy of the author statement must be submitted as a procedure for authorizing authorship according to roles and contributions to the manuscript.





5. Format of the Manuscript    



1) Software : Hangul in versions later than Hangul 2002



2) Paper : A4 



3) The submitted manuscript should be written in Korean or English. For the English manuscript, the first letter of the sentence should be a capital letter(Except for the pronouns and the abbreviation).



4) Page limit : All submissions are allowed a minimum of 6 pages and over 20 pages submission accepted.



5) Requirement : The name(s) of the author(s), the affiliation(s) of the author(s), address(es), phone number(s) and E-mail address(es). 



6) Manuscripts written in Korean : The abstract should be written in English



7) Manuscripts written in English : The abstract should be written in Korean 



8) Provide an abstract of 600 characters in Korean or 300 words in English. At least 5 of keywords must be followed by the abstract. 



9) Among the accepted manuscripts, if there’s any errors with the expressions and grammar in the abstract, it could be published after being modified by an English native speaker. 



10) Writing order : ① Title and Author(s) in Korean and English ② ABSTRACT, Keywords ③ Introduction ④ Methodology, Result and Discussion ⑤ Conclusion ⑥ References 



11) Author’s names : In the case of co-writing, the name of the representative is written in first such as 김영철*, 이남재**, 송건*** in Korean and Young-chul Kim*, Nam-Jae Lee**, Geon Song*** in English. After the author names written, the affiliation(s) of the corresponding author(s) follow. Also, corresponding author should provide contact details including the organization, phone number, postal and email address on the bottom of the abstract page. e.g, Corresponding Author : Korea Polytechnics  ○○ Campus, ○○ Department, Professor ○○ : Tel : +82-32-505-5847, E-mail :



12)If Chinese characters or English phrases for the terms used are necessary for Korean manuscripts, write them in the parentheses (). 



13)Column Division : The size of the main body should be 140mm x 195mm, the title and the abstract should be in the one column, and the content below should be in the two columns. The length of one stage shall be 140mm, the length of one stage among the two stages shall be 66mm, and the interval shall be 8mm.



14) Line spacing : The line spacing of ABSTRACT, text, and references should be 160%. 



15) Font type and size : The font types for title, author name(s), ABSTRACT, the content of ABSTRACT, main text and references should be TETGTEN 12 points, HCHGJGT 9 points, HCENSJMJ 8 points, HCENSJMJ 9 and HCENSJMJ 9 respectively. Moreover, the font types for the chapter titles such as I. Introduction, II. Experimental Apparatus and Method should be TETGTEN 9 points. 



16) Chapter numbers are roman numerals I., II., III., IV., V., and section numbers are 1., 2., A., B., 1), 2), A), B), ① , ②, etc., in the order of A., B., 1), 2), a, b, ①, ②, ⓐ, ⓑ, etc. for English papers. 



17) Numbers and Units : Arabic numerals and SI units are used. 



18) Tables and Figures 



Tables : All the tables should be designated by Arabic numerals, sequentially increasing and the captions should be written in English above the table. It will be described as “Table 1” when explained in the text. 



e.g., Table 1. Mechanical properties. 



Figures : All figures should be designated by Arabic numerals, sequentially increasing and the captions should be written in English under the figure. It will be described as “Fig. 1” when explained in the text. 



e.g., Fig. 1. Geometry of test specimen. 



19) Reference Indication



e.g., This methodology was used to analyze the temporal data.1) 



e.g., This methodology was used to analyze the temporal data.2,3,7) 



e.g., This methodology was used to analyze the temporal data.5∼9) 



20) References 



① Books : author name(s), book title, publication name, citation page number(s) and publication year



e.g.,Peter Murray, "Viscous Fluid Flow", Mc-Graw Hill, New York, p. 67, pp. 87∼105, 1987. 



② Journal articles : author name(s), title, journal name, vol., no,, citation page number(s), publication year



e.g., White, F. M., "A Preview Approach to Force Control of Robot", Electronic Review, Vol. 15, No. 4, pp. 451∼462, 1964. 



e.g., Ji-Hoon Kwon, Sung-Jae Ha, “Particle Filter for Tracking Filter of Pulsed -Doppler Radar in Heavy Clutter Environments”, Vol. 23, No. 3, pp. 47∼53, 2018. DOI:    kostet.2018.23.3.47






6. Compliance with submission guidelines 



1) Authors must comply with the guidelines when submitting an article, and if they do not comply with them, they can be sanctioned until they meet the requirements of the editorial board. 



2) All the authors(the main and the corresponding authors) who have received the disciplinary action of the "reprimand" can not submit to the KITCS for the next three years. 






 7. Delegation of publication authority and research ethics 



A submitter is required to check the delegation of publication authority and complying with research ethics on the submission system. In addition, if research misconduct occurs, an investigation process will be carried by the research committees. 






 8. Copyright Usage Agreement



The copyright for the manuscript published in the Journal of Industrial Technology Research(JITR) belongs to the Korea Industrial Technology Convergence Society(KITCS) and can't be copied without permission. Those who wish to publish an article must submit a copy of the copyright transfer agreement on the submission system. If the copyright transfer agreement is not submitted, the manuscript cannot be published.






 9. Copyright Transfer Agreement



The first author is required to confirm the originality of the manuscript in behalf of all the other authors. If the submitted manuscript is accepted and published to JITR, the copyright is delegated to KITCS. The copyright delegation contain the distribution and reproduction of the manuscript including copying, reprinting, translation, microfilm, electronic and similar forms of reproduction.






10. Others 



All the criteria is based on the manuscript regulation and the committee’s rules